Over the past several years we have experienced unprecedented natural disasters and social disruptions. Climate change, demographic changes and population shifts, political radicalism and terrorism, mass protests - all these expose your business operations to risk. You can plan and be ready when these disruptions happen - hoping for the best is not an option in today’s world.
In previous years earthquakes hit Haiti and Chile, volcanic eruptions happened in Iceland and Indonesia affecting global air traffic, and flooding, landslides and tropical storms caused havoc across the globe.
Every year, as the US spring flood season approaches, business owners are urged to prepare for more economic and social disruptions. We started 2018 with record storms and cold in North America. In 2017 the US and Caribbean nations were were devastated by an unprecedented hurricane season, and 62 tornadoes touched down across Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Florida, and South Carolina.
Social unrest and civil disobedience plagued the US in 2016, and political change is driving mass demonstrations in North America, Europe, and Asia. Businesses were shut down, supply chain links were broken, and logistics were deeply affected.
Now, the entire west coast of North America is expecting to experience a magnitude 9 earthquake, the Cascadia megathrust and its subsequent tsunami, with catastrophic impact on social dynamics, critical infrastructure, and natural environments.
Whether caused by climate change, social unrest or other factors, disruptions can paralyze operations and affect suppliers, partners, logistics and operations.
These events have shown that many firms are not as prepared to deal with a major disruption to operations as they should be, and highlighted the need for the development and maintenance more robust business continuity and disaster recovery plans. Right now, many companies are considering the broader business risks associated with their reliance on systems and technology and whether critical risks have been appropriately identified, assessed and mitigated across the enterprise.
We cannot control when a disaster will impact our business, but we can control how we will respond to it.
Our approach to the development of business continuity planning and disaster recovery management is collaborative, because working closely with senior management to generate awareness and objective action plans is more effective than documenting detailed procedures.
A Business Continuity plan will cover all critical business functions in your business, their operational requirements such as IT systems, human resources, suppliers and business partners, and the steps to manage the safety of your personnel as well as external communications and crisis containment.
A Disaster Recovery plan will focus on the resilience of your IT infrastructure, critical systems and data recovery, and the resources required to restore these systems using alternate facilities, supporting hardware and software, and services such as cloud-based providers.
Strata has strong experience in business continuity and disaster recovery planning, security, privacy and other risk management areas.
We will consider the most plausible scenarios that could disrupt your operations and establish the key steps to mitigate their damage and restore critical business functions as quickly as possible.
Contact us today to get started.