Several factors have led to rapid growth and significant changes in some of our clients, including risk management processes. These factors include:
Rapid evolution of risks and threats
Proliferation of regulatory, audit and compliance requirements
Growth in the number of customers, facilities and agents (business complexity)
Increase in value and dependency on technology and information assets
Rapid technology changes to respond to a growing infrastructure, deployments to deliver newer and better services to your customer base
Additional driving factors such as merges & acquisitions, new lines of business, outourcing, and changes in the organization’s structure
You may be significantly impacted by these risks and incur a wide range of responsibilities as a result. These include ensuring that access to information is appropriately restricted and the integrity of business data is protected, maintaining the availability and continuity of operations, and ensuring that information is managed in compliance with applicable legislative and vendor requirements and contractual obligations.
Identify, quantify and prioritize security risks affecting sensitive business operations and systems.
How confident do you feel about your existing systems and IT infrastructure, from a data protection and security perspective?
What are your auditors (internal and external) telling you must do about security? How do they view your current posture?
If you are planning on implementing changes, new components to the IT architecture blueprint, acquisitions or new services, how is risk being considered? Is data security being considered?
What do you think is the real level of risk that you face? What do you think is the worst thing that could happen to your IT infrastructure and information systems? What is the likelihood? What would it mean to the company and to you personally?
What is your greatest area of concern? Top security priorities?
The risk management discipline plays a critical role in protecting information assets from occurring risks, and exercising good governance practices and substantiating due diligence. Accordingly, Strata offers objective assessments of the information security risks, and the completeness and efficacy of existing security controls addressing these risks.
The objective of a Threat and Risk Assessment is to identify and quantify the threats and risks to which a client may be subject, to identify the extent of the risk that they are exposed to, and to assist in the development of a risk mitigation strategy which will effectively and efficiently reduce any risks to an acceptable level.
Contact us today to get started.